Story Game Hangout
Our regular recurring event is Story Game Hangout, where we come together to play indie & small press tabletop RPGs and story games.
Sessions take place on the fourth Saturday of most months and start from 18:30 at the SHRUB Coop (Zero Waste Hub), 22 Bread Street, Edinburgh, EH3 9AF. Google Maps
At 19:00, we pitch games, divide into tables, and start playing. Games aim to end around 22:00.
No prior experience or preparation is needed. Anyone can pitch a single-session game they would like to facilitate, either in advance or on the night. Otherwise, just turn up and play!
Games begin and end in a single session, so there is no long-term commitment - and we get the chance to play lots and lots of different games.
All attendees must follow our Code of Conduct. If there are any issues, please raise them with member of our club Admin Team.
You do not need to be a member of the Discord group to attend.
Please note that we do not meet in person in August or December due to the respective holiday seasons.
Ad-hoc Events
Members also use EIG as a platform to organise other roleplaying events and social activities both on- and off- line. In the past, we've had game-makers meetups, book clubs, longer-running games, game jams, movie trips, experimental rotating GM nights, and the odd barbecue - to name just a few.
Upcoming Events
Story Games Hangout
28 September 2024 at 17:00 to 21:00
Zero-preparation one-shot roleplay games Beginners Welcome LGBTQIA+ Friendly Nae place for Racism